Everything Dies! A Coloring Book About Life

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Everything Dies! A Coloring Book About Life

from $15.00

Everything Dies! A Coloring Book About Life! is a 100 page coloring book that depicts, among other things, soil biology and decomposition, funeral rites from around the world, mourning loved ones, the murders of human rights leaders, and modern embalming. It is full of celebration, but it is also frank and delves into heavy subjects. Adults will get a lot out of the images and words, and, as long as a guardian makes this book part of a larger conversation, most kids 10 and up will, too.

The book is 12″X9″, printed on recycled 70lb matte paper with approx 50 images and text. Images are single-sided for optimum coloring experience!

What happens when we know we don’t live forever?
How do we treat those around us?
What becomes important?
What becomes trivial?
What will we do with each dear day?

If you are reading this, you’re alive.


Also if you are reading this, one day you will be dead.


I mean that. Really, I do.

Death is inevitable, important, and maybe even beautiful.

Let’s see how!

 Everything Dies! A Coloring Book About Life! is a playful, poignant celebration and exploration of life and death.

In my 25th year, six loved ones and teachers died within an eight month period. I made this book as a way to meditate on and better understand death.This coloring book is a part of my personal healing process and is a reflection of my own experiences. What surprised me was this: every time I began to explore a part of dying, I inevitably was brought face-to-face with the immense wonder it is to be alive.

Everything Dies! is a 100 page coloring book that depicts, among other things, funeral rites from around the world, soil biology and decomposition, the mourning of loved ones, the legacies of human rights leaders, and modern embalming.

We often walk around pretending death doesn’t exist, but I think it’s healthy to face it every once in awhile.  Life becomes so much more rich when we know we don’t get to live forever.

This is an important conversation to have. I hope this coloring book can be a part of your conversation.

Also, I made a coloring book because I love the idea of a piece of art being unfinished until someone else adds something to it. I’ve only started these drawings; they are yours to complete!

Okay, enjoy!

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